Adult Medicine

If you come to new understandings of health and wellness in your adult life, good for you! We will do everything we can to help out when you are sick and support the great health you already have! We can treat the great majority of illnesses and refer you to the appropriate specialist when needed.

We can monitor your health risk factors through blood testing. We can do your wellness and preventive care. We also have resources to address lifestyle choices that lead to the expectation of continued health and avoidance of chronic illness. We have many connections with medical specialists and alternative practitioners that can serve your needs even beyond the Green Medical Practice. The most important aspect is that you feel connected to your health and your health care provider. Your unique person deserves unique care. Ultimately the answer to wholeness and vitality lies within your being. We are here to facilitate the miracle of the emerging YOU!

We are happy to announce our expansion of services to patients who have a variety of chronic conditions such as:

  • Diabetes

  • Cardiovascular Disease

  • Fibromyalgia

  • Hypertension

  • Thyroid Disorders

  • Abnormal Cholesterol Levels